Quentin Dupieux

1h 17m  •  2020


Review by Beatrice On 23-Jun-2023

Absurdity arises from the confrontation between man's demand and the unreasonable silence of the world

Wonderfully demented

Jean-Gab sleeps on the beach inside a sleeping bag soaked in the sea.

He becomes involved in a mission: he is to deliver a suitcase, stored strictly in the trunk of a car, to a certain Michel-Michel and will receive 500 euros.

He goes to his friend Manu's gas station and they decide to go together.

On the way they repeatedly hear a noise, frightened they open the trunk and find a giant fly.

The mission is skipped but the plan to domesticate it into a drone begins to take shape.

Rambling, absurd, strange situations follow one another relentlessly. The two idiots always get away with it.

Jean-Gab mistaken for Fred, a former classmate is housed with Manu in a villa with a swimming pool by a hilarious family with monstrous and grotesque features.

Quentin Dupieux aka Mr. Ozo of Flat Beat

replicates the hypnotic delirium of ultra-significance: the metaphysics of nonsense reigns supreme.

The index finger is pointed at the absurd, nothing is impossible, the important thing is not to design it.

"Taureau Taureau" is the gestural catchphrase of the two wonderful idiots, idols of existential a/conceptual paradox.

Dupieux represents everything through nothingness: the nihilism of nutty, unhinged sense imposes its rules!


23-Jun-2023 by Beatrice

Quentin Dupieux movies