Review by Beatrice On 23-Jun-2023
God has given the Christian man a role to fulfill. Paul said, "I want you to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of the woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God." (1 Corinthians 11:3) Man also has a head, namely Christ. Indeed, man is accountable to Christ and ultimately to God. God expects man to exercise his authority in a loving way. (Ephesians 5:25) This has been the case since the creation of man.
Julia is not a girl of the world; she studies accounting and lives with her family who belong to Jehovah's Witnesses.
Every day she goes to gatherings and to homes to preach the sacred texts.
One day at a woman's house he meets Libero, who recently got out of jail for drug dealing. She decides to help him and proposes to her father that he be hired at the factory.
They begin to get to know each other, but Julia cannot associate with the people of the world.
Christians used to hang out with Epicureans and Paul advised against this because they did not worship the true God.
Jehovah's Witnesses are extra-ordinem i.e. out of the ordinary; "they are soldiers and soldiers do not go on vacation because the evil one does not go on vacation."
Julia is a talented mathematician but her family does not want her to continue her studies because the university would not leave time for her to preach and she would be accused of vanity.
Paul told the Thessalonians to live quietly, that is, to practice honest work that would leave time for preaching.
Julia lives between home, school and work because, she argues, " rules are there to protect us."
In spite of this, Giulia starts dating Libero and this will bring her before the men's court of Jehovah's Witnesses and she will be subjected to morbid and mortifying questioning.
Having sex before marriage is serious and means sinning against one's body.
Julia risks being disassociated, that is, removed as she cannot have a relationship with a boy in the world.
Anyone who is not a Jehovah's Witness is not in the truth.
The seriousness of her behavior is considered such that a period of repentance is needed without the possibility of attending gatherings; assiduous monitoring will not allow her to associate with people of the world.
Bad company corrupts good habits; " Satan is interested in our heart because it is the source of all desire."
Julia will make a very strong decision, follow Libero, become a girl of the world and continue to "preach," out of love, out of inexperience, out of survival, out of misunderstanding.
Good or evil, being of the world or out of the world, truth or no truth, preaching or studying, choosing or accepting the rules.
This is the cruel world presented to Julia, a world where black and white are the only color range.
"Preserving one's existence at ground zero, between cold and hot, between good and evil, between wisdom and stupidity, between something and nothing ... paradoxical is the human condition."
Excellent performances, interesting theme, organic development, no catharsis planned, just life and world within the world.
.... " one must be able to choose even if one chooses evil; if this choice is taken away, one is no longer a man but a mechanical orange."
23-Jun-2023 by Beatrice