Review by Beatrice On 27-Nov-2023
Truth is an illusion whose illusory nature has been lost.
On her way west, an engine head failure forces Eleonore to stop in the middle of Brittany.
They will have to order spare parts and offer her a bungalow in a lakeside campground as her lodging; the place offers nothing better. The very busy place during the high season sees the presence at this time of people who have decided to move here year-round. The lake is said to be inhabited by a legendary monster, a kind of lochness fish that does not manifest itself but in the long run will make the campground touristy and the lake water precious enough to be considered miraculously healing-a kind of Lourdes water. Populated by alternative and eccentric people who play, sing and dance to the beat of Believe the unseen... Eleanore extends his stay by procrastinating on picking up his car until he decides to put it up for sale.
How much do you believe in the 'unseen whatever it is can attract the interest of people who decide to move or travel to a place that promises the unbelievable? What are people willing to do in order to discern an entity that is an illusory sign of hope, healing, future?
Leaving a macro system to submit to an alternative micro system yet mirroring it seems the inexhaustible need of the 'human with its slavish willingness to believe in something despite millennia-old lies, despite " the death of God," despite passive nihilism.
A wacky little film that makes one reflect on that all-too-human human who is willing to relentlessly build the sandcastle of necessary illusion.
Nothing is easier than delusion, for what every man desires, he also believes to be true
27-Nov-2023 by Beatrice