Gustav KervernBenoit Delepine

1h 32m  •  2014


Review by Beatrice On 27-Jun-2023

He falls, loses consciousness, but 'Miss Endorphin' revives him.

He believes he is tragically vague and considers nature a pain in the ass.

Man has invented comforts, and now his body demands padded skin.

He heads towards inhabited places, a lady offers him a ride, he accepts and seems to be on the way to a change of heart, but a single question is enough to make him hesitate no more…

The effect will be extraordinarily unpredictable!

No Money Productions, with the two directors of the extraordinary Louise Michel, presents another absolutely surprising film.

The ability to reflect on one's life, lingering on the definitive moment as if wanting to savor a good glass of red wine.

Michel Houellebecq, writer and screenwriter turned actor, plays the character of Paul, a frail and ungainly figure with a subtle and refined analytical ability. “You get used to living before you get used to thinking,” which may never happen.

A daring film that ironically challenges the taboo of death.

An ordinary man who does not cut himself any slack, facing the ineptitudes of life with unusual awareness of his weaknesses and constraints. An interpretation of death that is light and poetic, singular and curious.

Camus argued: “There is only one truly serious philosophical problem: that of suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living...” everything else comes after, and although the “true absurd is a state of mind where the tension between man, the world, and its absurdity is heroically maintained…” one may reach the day when continuing to live to bear witness to the absurd reaches its exhaustion before natural death.

A film to be savored and revisited with the spirit of someone who is willing to deny themselves nothing and to look at their own life with attentive eyes, with all its mysteries and uncertainties.

A film that aims to shatter illusions and learn to play with them. Unique.

27-Jun-2023 by Beatrice