Gavin Wiesen

1h 24m  •  2011


Review by Beatrice On 23-Jun-2023

Who could have imagined that a "small" film like this would debut with profoundly existential reflections on humanity, the meaning of life, and why we strive so much when "we live alone, we die alone, and everything else is an illusion..."

These are the words of George, an adolescent with a remarkable artistic talent of which he is entirely unaware. He is withdrawn and solitary, reaching his senior year of high school without ever having studied, but more importantly, without ever trying to become passionate about anything in particular. Rather apathetic and disenchanted, like many teenagers today, he sees no future and lives day by day without any commitment. After covering for her when she was smoking at school, he meets Sally, a very attractive girl, delightful to be with, intelligent, and mature. They become inseparable, but not just friends: without realizing it, they both fall in love. Amidst exhibitions, parties, and walks, they encounter the problems and responsibilities that inevitably come their way, including obtaining their high school diploma.

For most teenagers, growing up is a useless duty. They often find themselves in trouble for not having applied themselves and look to adults for answers, who are more troubled than they are.

George and Sally will hold hands, grow stronger together, and face the uncertainty of the future.

This film tells all this in a simple, charming, and rather interesting way.

A film to watch with your children.

23-Jun-2023 by Beatrice