Olias Barco

1h 36m  •  2010


Review by Beatrice On 27-Jun-2023

"Close the curtains, the farce is over," Rabelais on his deathbed.

Dr. Kruger, a physician-psychiatrist, wants to give dignity to suicide. In his clinic, he receives DVDs of people testifying to their desire to commit suicide and their inability to do so, thus requiring medical assistance to give themselves death.

In a structure-castle develops this black-and-white comedy, compelling at times chilling.

Most amusing is the obsession with death, the sole purpose of the residents who compete to see who will die before the others.

Someday suicide will be a right written into the constitution, Dr. Kruger will say, along with data on the cost of suicide to the state....

Surprise ending, with great paradoxes for a euthanasia that will turn out to be extremely WRONG.

If the critical category that should be taken into account when judging a film is that of ambition, of the desire to push the limits--creative, productive, commercial--to measure oneself against something that is not obvious, then this is the most suitable film


27-Jun-2023 by Beatrice