Review by Beatrice On 23-Jun-2023
Conniviality among men reigns supreme especially when the theme is infidelity.
Six small episodes tell the story of rather amateur but professional addicts to infidelity.
A compulsive variety of extramarital adventures that makes the protagonists, handsome men in their advanced forties rather sad and lonely but united by the need to have fun with women in an unconscious and unreflective way.
A roundup of more or less plausible sketches: from the professional who goes off the deep end for the lolita on duty, to the couple's clash over sexual stereotypes to the office worker who tirelessly seeks adventure during a corporate convention. There is no shortage of the infidel anonymous group meeting all accompanied by jokes and considerations that are definitely representative and descriptive of the theme of fidelity.
"What did the other one have that was more than me?" ... "Nothing, she just wasn't you!" a consideration that describes perfectly and perhaps better than in-depth studies on the subject what betrayal actually represents....
Above all, woe betide the family that is an irreplaceable anchor guaranteeing countless adventures. The inability to be alone and at the same time be in a couple is perfectly told in this puzzle film; a review of macho men in constant pursuit and punctually seduced serially, almost against their will to the fulfillment of the most trivial narcissism.
The stereotype of the forcibly overexposed male to the slavery of the conqueror; the archetype of the manipulative, lying, mean-spirited fedayeen, victim of assembly-line enjoyment.
A somewhat dim-witted slave who meets cretinous women exposing himself to the stage naked and devoid of any self-deprecating skills that might enlighten him with respect to the grotesque he represents.
"Every left is lost," "you're programmed for the procreation of the species," "you're less strong than an ordinary fuck"; this is the tenor of the lines in a film that depicts work that is more subtle than appearance and does so through a look that is anything but complacent and smug.
23-Jun-2023 by Beatrice
Emmanuelle Bercot movies